Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blog #9 !

The video we watched about the dust bowl was really important. Many people were killed because of this issue. Other varies types of animals also were killed because of this cause. The dust bowl occurs around the states of kansas, oklahoma and parts of texas. The most intensive dust bowl occoured on a sunday, naming it the BLACK SUNDAY, which killed many of inocent people throught the day.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Scientists have spotted an Earth doppelgänger that may have may have the rights to live on the planet, in the Libra constellation just 20 light-years distant. Ogt and his colleagues used more than 200 nights’ worth of data from a telescope at the W.M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii to track tiny wobbles of Gliese 581 caused by the gravitational tug of orbiting planets. Scientist were thinking of another option that would be, to launch equipment into space to image the planet directly, but such a mission would take more than 200 years. doppelgänger estimated to be about three times more massive than Earth, orbits its sun about once every 37 days. The average surface temperature ranges from -24 degrees to 10 degrees fahrenheit. This planet is one of six known to be orbiting the red dwarf star Gliese 581 — the current record for most planets orbiting a star other than the sun.

My Goals

My goal rigtht now is to complete my homework assignments every single day, be on time to school . I need a GPA of 3.0 to get in a CSU after high-school . Also to find a job as soon as possible. Im willing to work away from san gabriel valley to get a job right now.. I'm also planning to attend sunburst youth academy wish would allow me to graduate by december of 2010 !