Thursday, January 6, 2011


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What are the growing requirements? What do you need to be aware of?

Do you think we have had previous global super storms ? Why or why not? Blog #12

I believe we have had previous global storms since we already know winds were picking up all across the Arctic as one ultraviolet storm after another appeared, their cloud tops bulging to ever more unprecedented heights, and the surface winds rising higher. California should be aware and have the U.S. National Service begin on activating their emergency programs.

Is a global super storm coming? Why or why not? BLOG #13

I believe there will be a global super storm coming to the California coast in the next 2 weeks. There has been rain in our forecast and its not normal since California has been very dry and low in rain for the past 3 years. I thinks seas will near 23 feet (7 meters) and winds gusting up to 109 mph wreaked havoc on sea traffic, causing delays or cancelled ferries across the English Channel and necessitating the rescue of crews from stranded ships. By several months, a potent succession of cold fronts will sweep across the world. Ever increasing in intensity and duration, damaging storms will batter the West Coast of the United States and spawn flooding, mudslides and severe, deadly tornadoes across the US.